Contact Us

If you have a legal question, for free and confidential legal advice you can call the Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania on their telephone advice line, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

1300 366 611


You can also contact your nearest community legal centre, many of whom also offer a telephone advice line service (find your nearest one on the National Association of Community Legal Centres website here).


We can’t answer legal questions through the website, but we’d love to hear from you – we’ve tried to cover lots of topics, but there is probably something you want to know that we haven’t covered.  If there’s something that you want to know, chances are others do too – if you have a suggestion of a topic you would like to see added to Guys Gotta Know, it would be great if you would go ahead and fill in the form below.


If you have a general query about the website, we’d also love to hear from you.

Enquiry Form